GrowPlenty provides complete landscape maintenance services throughout the San Francisco East Bay.

Our monthly and quarterly garden care programs offer intensive seasonal maintenance rather than weekly mow-blow-go gardening. Pruning and cleanup are done almost entirely by hand, making us a low noise service. This give the gardens were care for a loose, natural feel. We also LOVE to do garden restoration. A few days of skilled pruning, cleanup and mulching can transform a neglected garden. We also do irrigation audits, tuneups and repair.

Winterizing involves pruning, turning over soil, lifting and relaying irrigation lines, and mulching.

Spring Garden Launches include planting of annuals, vegetables and spring flowers, thinning and training fruit trees, weed control fertilizing and irrigation tune-ups.

Summertime ‘Coasting’ Most gardens need only minimal maintenance over the summer: light cleanup, fruit tree thinning, spot watering, and irrigation adjustments.

Fall is the ideal time for new shrubs and perennials, as well as applying compost and making irrigation adjustments.